PC Optimizer Pro Full Version
PC Optimizer Pro Full Version
PC Optimizer Pro
PC Optimizer Pro Full Version | PC Optimizer Pro Full | dapat memperbaiki PC anda dengan sekali klik, karena software ini bisa memperbaiki registry atau mendeteksi kerusakan yang terjadi pada pc kita dan memperbaikinya. Jadi kinerja PC kita menjadi lancar dan enak untuk bermain game.
PC Optimizer Pro is a suite of automated system-maintenance and optimization utilities which tune up windows performance. It removes junk files to save valuable disk space and prevents application crashes.
Key Features:
- Registry Optimizer scans your Windows registry to find and fix incorrect or obsolete information so your pc speed up and error free.
- Tracks Eraser protects your privacy by cleaning up all the tracks of your internet and computer activities, giving you peace of mind.
- File Shredder permanently erases files from your disk without the possibility of them ever being recovered. A vital function because even when you trash files or reformat your hard drive, sensitive data can still be recovered and compromised.
- Software Uninstaller uninstalls programs for real. It replaces the faulty Windows utility which clogs up your system with unwanted and leftover files.
- Startup Manager allows you to control what programs run at system startup when you power up or logon to your PC so you don’t have to manually do it every time.
- Backup Restore backs up all your information and crucial files so you don’t lose any data even in the event of a system crash
PC Optimizer Pro Full Version

PC Optimizer Pro Full Version