Download Clean Disk Security 8.03 Full Version

by Unknown , at 17.30

Download Clean Disk Security 8.03 Full Version

Clean Disk Security 8.03
Download Clean Disk Security 8.03 Full Version | Ada yang kenal dengan Aplikasi yang satu ini Clean Disk Security 8.03? Aplikasi Clean Disk Security digunakan untuk membersihkan komputer kita dari file corrupt atau file sampah yang sudah tidak terpakai lagi yang suatu saat akan membuat komputer kita jadi lambat dan bervirus nach buat yang sedabg membutuhkan aplikasi ini cekidot..
Clean Disk Security 8.03 Full Version
Clean Disk Security 8.03 Normally, when you delete something from your computer, you can not delete a file or folder on your hard drive, but only part of the file that stores information (Sector sector, the start of and so on) a hard disk drive Clean under., so different applications can search the hard disk and analyzed 0 and 1, some files have been deleted and still overwrite not to bring. Clean Disk Security is a program that searches your hard drives for files that are deleted and Still not overwrite it goes to zero, and all parts of the file that was occupied will delete them permanently from your hard drive.
It supports redundant files, including temp files will delete it from your computer.
This program is a file viewer that information directly from the hard drive, even bars and all the information hidden files (hidden) to your door
Features Software Clean Disk Security:

Secure delete files and irreversible
Ability to create custom plugins for deleting files
Performance improvements and bugs in the previous version, the new version
Not able to return to the previous file is deleted
The ability to completely clear browsers cache, cookies, etc. from Internet Explorer and ...
The ability to completely purge the contents of the folder Recent Files, URLs, and email
A special plug to remove the effects of several applications, such as, Windows Media Player, Emule Paintshop and ...
The ability to delete temporary and unnecessary files and free disk space
The ability to accurately display the contents of the disk to ensure the files on disk
Despite having very small size with high power
Compatible with different versions of Windows

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Download Clean Disk Security 8.03 Full Version

Download Clean Disk Security 8.03 Full Version
Download Clean Disk Security 8.03 Full Version - written by Unknown , published at 17.30, categorized as Utilities
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