Ashampoo Music Studio Full Version
Ashampoo Music Studio
Free Download Ashampoo Music Studio Full Version | Sobat yang sudah mengenal dengan Produk Ashampoo Pasti tidak akan ragu lagi menggunakan produknya karena kita semua ketahui bahwa produk dari Ashampoo ini memang sangat bagus dan terbukti bisa diandalkan salah satunya Ashampoo Music Studio ini, adalah software pengolah music di mana sobat yang suka membajak lagu.. hahaha.. bisa memburningnya MP3 ke CD atau DVD .. atau bisa ngeRIP dari CD ke MP3, WMA, FLAC.. dan lagu sobat bisa mengubah , memotong, mencampur lagu , lalu menambahan klip dan kalo sobat biasa downlaod MP3 lalu di play di hp.. terdapat ARTIST, lalu ada gambar , lalu biasanya yang share selalu memberikan logo blog nya.. dan dengan software ini.. sobat dapat melakukan itu semua...
Features of this software Ashampoo Music Studio:
The ability to copy and convert the audio CD track directly to the desired format (WMA, MP3, Ogg, FLAC and WAV)
Automatic entry music from audio CDs based on categories such as album, title and track
External Playback formats such as M3U, PLS, ASX, P4U and WPL
Tool for burn your favorite music in terms of applications, such as audio CDs or Data CDs, DVDs or Blu-ray discs
Instead, the title track, as well as manage and edit extra track or artist etc and convert to desired format
Specific operations such as mixing, adding or cutting the track on effects such as Fade in, fade out, crossfade
Zyt the audio input such as microphone, aux and ... And save it as a custom format such as WMA, MP3, Ogg, FLAC or WAV
Possible by the transfer of audio files and restore damaged
Langkah Aktivasi
- Install Software nya
- Buka Folder " KEY"
- Done :)

Ashampoo Music Studio Full Version