Game Domino Zoodomino
Download Game Domino Zoodomino - From the name of the game you do not imagine that this is like a game of dominoes . Zoodomino is a funny puzzle game with pictures of cute animals in it . There are many animals are adorable animals such as lions , elephant seals , pigs , beetles , raccoons , elephants , zebras , and many others . There is also a kind of animal looks pink lizard or chameleon who is watching your game . So how do I play?
In my opinion this game is easy at the same time difficult . You only live animals which are similar match exactly , for example kumbag with panthers, elephants with the elephant , but it should not exceed three steps . There will be help lines are visible if you match them , but if it does not fit , or more than three steps , you will hear the sound that you can not do that . In the initial stage will tersa easy , because there is no movement after you match . However, if it reaches the next stage , they will continue to move . Note also the green chameleon that is above . He is a time bomb , if the chameleon reaches twig , then the time given to complete the game is up .
In my opinion this game is easy at the same time difficult . You only live animals which are similar match exactly , for example kumbag with panthers, elephants with the elephant , but it should not exceed three steps . There will be help lines are visible if you match them , but if it does not fit , or more than three steps , you will hear the sound that you can not do that . In the initial stage will tersa easy , because there is no movement after you match . However, if it reaches the next stage , they will continue to move . Note also the green chameleon that is above . He is a time bomb , if the chameleon reaches twig , then the time given to complete the game is up .

Game Domino Zoodomino